[Spanish] Fwd: [Board] Would you be concerned if the "GeoServices REST API" became an OGC standard?

Alvaro Zabala azabala at gmail.com
Mon May 6 09:00:05 PDT 2013

IMHO: SHP nunca fue estándar OGC, y ahí está......

Lo que sí es cierto es que los estándares basados en XML (WMS, WFS, etc)
van por un lado, y el mercado va por otro....


On 6 May 2013 15:28, Pedro-Juan Ferrer Matoses <pferrer en osgeo.org> wrote:

> Hola Lista,
> os adjunto un correo de Cameron Shorter sobre un tema que se está
> debatiendo en estos momentos en la lista Discuss[1] y que es de
> importancia para el mundo FOSS4G.
> El resumen (ojo os recomiendo encarecidamente que os leáis el hilo) es
> que OGC está votando en estos momentos (el proceso durará unas
> semanas) una propuesta de ESRI para que se reconozca su API de
> geoservicios REST como un estandar OGC. Esta API en realidad solapa
> muchos de los estándares que ya están incluidos en OGC (WMS, WFS,
> etc).
> Esto tendría un impacto directo sobre el FOSS4G porque para seguir
> cumpliendo con OGC deberían implementar también la API de ESRI que de
> momento no es abierta (tampoco es exactamente cerrada) y que como ya
> se ha comentado sería duplicar unas funcionalidades que están
> recogidas.
> Cameron ha pedido que la comunidad participe en el hilo de debate de
> la lista Discuss[2] para tener un corpus de opinión con el que poder
> argumentar a OGC.
> Un saludo,
> [1] http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/discuss/2013-May/011599.html
> [2] http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter en gmail.com>
> Date: Sat, May 4, 2013 at 12:46 PM
> Subject: [Board] Would you be concerned if the "GeoServices REST API"
> became an OGC standard?
> To: OSGeo Discussions <discuss en lists.osgeo.org>
> Cc: standards en lists.osgeo.org, OSGeo-Board <board en lists.osgeo.org>
> OSGeo Community,
> Currently, voting OGC members are to decide whether to accept the
> "GeoServices REST API" as an OGC standard. This is already a
> contentious issue, with 13 votes for, and 10 votes against, 72
> outstanding votes, with voting halted temporally, being reopened again
> in a few days, and closing 2 weeks after that. [1]
> I'm wanting to hear whether people in the OSGeo community have strong
> opinions regarding this proposed standard, and whether we as a
> collective OSGeo community should make statements to the OGC, and
> voting OGC members, stressing our thoughts.
> If there is sufficient interest, I'll raise this issue with the OSGeo
> Board, with the intent of drafting a statement on behalf of OSGeo.
> As background:
> * "The API was initially developed by Esri and implemented on the
> ArcGIS for Server platform." [2]
> * The proposed GeoServices REST API specification overlaps with most
> OGC standards already deployed, including: WMS, WMTS, WCS, WFS,
> SE/SLD, CS/W. This effectively means that for most use cases covered
> by the GeoServices REST API, applications would now have two standards
> to support. Also, spatial infrastructure programs will be impacted, as
> OGC compliance won't necessarily equate to interoperability.
> * Most (all?) current OGC web service standards to date have an Open
> Source reference implementation, which was often (always?) part funded
> by OGC testbeds, and open source implementations were tested against
> proprietary implementations during OGC testbeds. As far as I'm aware,
> there has been very little up-take from the Open Source community of
> the "GeoServices REST API", and I'm unaware of any testing of non-ESRI
> applications during OGC testbeds. (Someone may be able to correct me
> here).
> [1]
> https://portal.opengeospatial.org/?m=projects&a=view&project_id=82&tab=5&subtab=0
> (OGC member login required. Votes counted as at 4 May 2013)
> [2] http://www.opengeospatial.org/standards/requests/89
> --
> Cameron Shorter
> Geospatial Solutions Manager
> Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
> Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254
> Think Globally, Fix Locally
> Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source
> http://www.lisasoft.com
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> --
> Pedro-Juan Ferrer Matoses
> Valencia (España)
> _______________________________________________
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Alvaro Zabala Ordóñez

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