[Spanish] Fwd: [OSGeo-Discuss] [OSGeo-Standards] Fw: [TC-Announce] GeoServices REST API adoption vote - update and motion to withdraw
Gabriel Carrion
carrion_gab at gva.es
Fri May 31 03:06:59 PDT 2013
Pues sí. Muy buena noticia.
Tengo constancia de que ESRI estaba ya en plena acción comercial entre
tomadores de decisiones administrativas con el argumento de que Arcgis
server es libre y open, interpretando a su manera comercial el hecho de
que daban ya por hecho que este API iba a ser estandar OGC.
Y esta noticia me está viniendo muy bien para las labores de
contrainformación donde se pone una vez más de manifiesto la diferencia
entre lo que se predica y lo que se hace.
Por mucho que pensemos que lo que hacen o dicen desde ESRI
tecnológicamente es una barbaridad, éstos lo utilizan en ciertos
círculos aprovechándose del desconocimiento de gran parte de ltos
tomadores de decisión de un lado y de su facilidad para acceder a estos
círculos por el otro lado.
Saludos, Gabi
On 30/05/13 19:16, Arnold Fernández Rivas wrote:
> Eso es una buena noticia.
> 2013/5/30 Pedro-Juan Ferrer Matoses <pferrer en osgeo.org
> <mailto:pferrer en osgeo.org>>
> Hola Gente,
> un update importante en el caso del GeoServices REST API.
> La OGC ha retirado la proposición para convertir el esquema de ESRI en
> estandar, para que pueda ser más ampliamente debatida por la comunidad
> antes de aceptarla como estandar OGC.
> Muchas gracias a todos los que os implicasteis en la difusión y los
> que firmasteis la carta.
> Un saludo,
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter en gmail.com
> <mailto:cameron.shorter en gmail.com>>
> Date: Thu, May 30, 2013 at 6:35 AM
> Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] [OSGeo-Standards] Fw: [TC-Announce]
> GeoServices REST API adoption vote - update and motion to withdraw
> To:
> Cc: OSGeo Discussions <discuss en lists.osgeo.org
> <mailto:discuss en lists.osgeo.org>>,
> "standards en lists.osgeo.org <mailto:standards en lists.osgeo.org>"
> <standards en lists.osgeo.org <mailto:standards en lists.osgeo.org>>
> osgeo-discuss, osgeo-standards,
> As below, the GeoServices REST API has been withdrawn as a proposed
> OGC standard, and OGC are looking at ways to improve based upon our
> collective feedback from OSGeo and OGC members.
> Thank you to all the people who have voiced their concerns, thank you
> to those who provided detailed reasoning and analysis, and thank you
> to the OGC and OGC members who have acknowledged and have started
> actioning this reasoning. You are contributing toward a better OGC for
> us all.
> On 30/05/2013 1:57 PM, Carl Reed wrote:
> Dear OSGeo Community -
> Today I sent out an email to the OGC membership regarding the current
> status of the GeoServices adoption vote. Please see the email below.
> We appreciate the input provided by the OSGeo community during the
> voting process. Based on the discussion and comments that occurred
> during this vote, we will be engaging Members as well as the
> implementation community in discussions regarding how to evolve and
> improve the OGC standards setting process.
> Thanks and regards
> Carl Reed, PhD
> From: Carl Reed
> Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 10:11 AM
> To: TC Announce
> Subject: [TC-Announce] GeoServices REST API adoption vote - update
> andmotion to withdraw
> Dear TC -
> On Tuesday of this week, the GeoServices REST API Standards Working
> Group (SWG) voted to approve the following recommendation to the TC
> Voting Members:
> The GeoServices REST SWG recommends the TC approve withdrawal of the
> motion to approve the OGC GeoServices REST API documents as an
> official OGC standard. Moved: Keith Ryden. Second: Clemens Portele.
> There was no objection to unanimous consent.
> The following is the reason for requesting the motion to approve the
> candidate standard be withdrawn:
> "Considering the breath of discussion both internal and external to
> the OGC process since the vote announcement, the SWG members feel that
> the vote cannot continue until the many questions raised have been
> addressed. Issues regarding OGC process, vendor advantage, duplication
> of capabilities, etc. have now overshadowed technical discussions of
> the merits of the specification. By withdrawing the OGC GeoServices
> REST API candidate standard, the necessary discussions regarding OGC
> process, policy, and position can continue separately."
> The SWG further discussed the need for OGC Members and staff to
> debate, clarify and potentially amend a number of policy and
> procedural issues before the SWG can decide to either disband or to
> resume technical work on the candidate standard
> Today or tomorrow the TC Chair (me) will be asking the TC Voting
> Members to consider the GeoServices REST API SWG recommendation. The
> motion is:
> "The GeoServices REST API SWG recommends that the GeoServices adoption
> vote be withdrawn. If there is no objection to unanimous consent in
> the next 10 calendar days, then the motion is approved. If there are
> objections, than a two week e-vote will be initiated."
> Over the coming months there will be opportunities for OGC staff,
> members and the general public to engage in discussions related to
> policy and procedures, such as clear statements on openness and
> interoperability, overlapping standards, backwards compatibility and
> so forth. The idea is to begin a dialogue as part of the virtual
> meetings this and next month with a goal to address the issues raised
> and recommend changes at the upcoming September Frascati meetings.
> I would like to thank the SWG for all of their hard work on the
> candidate standard. I would also like to thank everyone who
> contributed to the conversation.
> Any questions, please let me know.
> Regards
> Carl Reed, PhD
> CTO and Executive Director Standards Program
> Open Geospatial Consortium
> www.opengeospatial.org <http://www.opengeospatial.org>
> The OGC: Making Location Count!
> ---------------------
> This communication, including attachments, is for the exclusive use of
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> information. If you are not the intended recipient, any use, copying,
> disclosure, dissemination or distribution is strictly prohibited. If
> you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender
> immediately by return email and delete this communication and destroy
> all copies.
> "The important thing is not to stop questioning." -- Albert Einstein
> "Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature. Life
> is either a daring adventure or nothing." -- Helen Keller
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> --
> Cameron Shorter
> Geospatial Solutions Manager
> Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
> Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254
> Think Globally, Fix Locally
> Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source
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> --
> Pedro-Juan Ferrer Matoses
> Valencia (España)
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> --
> */Arnold Fernández Rivas/*
> */Cel.: 970048131 movistar/*
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