[OSGeo-Standards] OGC at FOSS4G 2008

Raj Singh rsingh at opengeospatial.org
Tue Sep 16 21:43:35 EDT 2008

As an update to this discussion, it seems like we've all been busy and  
will not have a "big" integration showcase. While there is always a  
ton of OGC-related content at FOSS4G, the activities I'll be directly  
involved in are:

- WMS Tiling BoF, just scheduled for Wednesday at 15:30
- WFS Simple (http://www.ogcnetwork.net/wfssimple) implementation  
release (lean, mean, and open source)


On Jul 15, at 6:39 AM, Gavin Fleming wrote:

> Pls keep this discussion on the OSGeo standards list.
> Well the integration showcase didn't really get off the ground in 2007
> so don't underestimate the complexity to overcome and cooperation we
> need.
> If we take ideas from 2007 and give them more of an OGC and GEOSS  
> focus
> that could work, especially if GEO or DST (SA Dept of Science and
> Technology) come to the party with funding. Let's do it iteratively  
> and
> get one thing set up at a time.
> Please discuss on this list and lay down ideas and plans here:
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G2008_IntegrationShowcase
> Gavin

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