[OSGeo-Standards] [RESTful-Policy.SWG] [OAB] Encodings and REST
Carl Reed
creed at opengeospatial.org
Mon Oct 22 13:16:33 PDT 2012
Andrea -
Good point.
Actually, over the last several years there has been a major shift in OGC standards development such that multiple reference implementations are completed prior to or shortly after the standard is approved by the OGC Membership. For example, WaterML, GeoSPARQL, Open GeoSMS, the latest version of GMLCOV, CF-NetCDF (and all extensions), the recently submitted Geopackage, the soon to be submitted GeoSciML, and the new proposed WMS profile for Meteorology all have multiple implementations. These implementations are the result of 1.) a completed interoperability experiment, 2.) an OGC OWS testbed activity, or 3.) the candidate standard was developed outside the OGC and was subsequently submitted into the OGC process.
We are fortunate because ensuring that a new standard meets community requirements is, as you point out, critical. While the OGC has always required a commitment to implement, having candidate standard implemented prior to adoption saves considerable pain and suffering (and lost time) downstream.
Thanks for the input.
From: Andrea Aime
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2012 1:40 PM
To: xavier lhomme
Cc: Allan Doyle ; Standards (OSGeo)
Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Standards] [RESTful-Policy.SWG] [OAB] Encodings and REST
On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 9:35 PM, xavier lhomme <lhomme.xavier at gmail.com> wrote:
Sure reviewing Geoservices specification takes time but you could also experimenting it !
Not sure I got what you mean? Maybe build prototypes of the specification to see
how difficult it actually is to create and use it?
That's something I'd really like to see, have some rough software development done in parallel
to the spec development so that the spec leaders can get some feedback from the trenches
about what actually works, and what does not.
It's something that I've heard quite a bit in OSGeo circles, in particular that having to develop
a reference implementation after the spec is basically cast in stone does very little
in terms of improving the spec itself.
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