[OSGeo-Standards] Improving public comment period
Carl Reed
creed at opengeospatial.org
Tue Oct 23 09:15:53 PDT 2012
Andrew -
Good point. Under the current P&P, the SWG an always request another comment
The only issue that could be raised is that more time and resources would be
required to complete the standard.
-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew Turner
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2012 5:53 AM
To: Raj Singh
Cc: Standards (OSGeo)
Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Standards] Improving public comment period
Simple metric: page count
Also, several rounds of comment, response and comment again would make
the process more transparent. Right now with a single comment period
all concerns go into a closed meeting and emerge without any further
effective discussion.
On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 2:27 PM, Raj Singh <rsingh at opengeospatial.org>
> Note I've broken this discussion off into a new thread. I've been thinking
> a bit more about improving the public comment period. I think that the
> process could be improved if the public could comment before the
> specification is fully written. At that point, it's human nature that
> editors will resist major changes that make them do a lot of new writing,
> even if they like the suggestions. It's also harder to suggest significant
> changes to a fully developed specification.
> Could this group think about additional, earlier milestones that would be
> useful for public comment? Perhaps thinks like conceptual models,
> request/response patterns, or mandatory use cases to satisfy? I'll also
> bring up a germ of an idea I've been mulling for years, which is
> developing some sort of heuristic (questions, flowchart, tests, etc.) to
> rate a specification's level of implementation complexity.
> Thoughts?
> ---
> Raj
> The OGC: Making location count.
> http://www.opengeospatial.org/ogc/organization/staff/rsingh
> On Oct 22, at 11:13 AM, Andrea Aime wrote:
>> On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 5:07 PM, Raj Singh <rsingh at opengeospatial.org>
>> wrote:
>> Still, I'd challenge the OSGeo community to think hard about how many
>> hours they devote to standards vs. how many hours they devote to code
>> development, and ask yourself if the sweat equity for standards has
>> matched the sweat equity you expect from developers. I know those writing
>> on this thread are an exception, but in general I've found it difficult
>> to get specs reviewed or critiqued by this list. For example, I put out
>> multiple requests on this mailing list earlier this year for
>> participation in reviewing the WMTS specification for a potential major
>> reworking that could have unified TMS and WMTS, and I had no response
>> from anyone.
>> Raj, about this, I know I wanted to review some of specs presented but
>> the time allowed was too short
>> for someone that is as booked as I am.
>> It seems to me the spec closed development goes on for a long time, would
>> it be possible to
>> get a couple of months of open comments?
>> I know it seems a lot, but it also takes a good full day to just give a
>> cursory look at the non
>> trivial specs (the REST services one is an exception in a bad way, so
>> large that to read and
>> understand it all it would take a few days).
>> Cheers
>> Andrea
>> --
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