[OSGeo-Standards] OGC Seeking comment on proposed terrain content model standards activity

Carl Reed creed at opengeospatial.org
Fri Feb 27 13:25:07 PST 2015

OGC Seeking comment on proposed terrain content model standards activity 
The OGC requests comments on the draft charter for an OGC Common DataBase Standards Working Group. This Standards Working Group (SWG) is being formed to develop and propose one or more candidate standards for a common terrain database model and encoding useful for both run time synthetic environment generation and terrain database repositories for modeling and simulation.

This SWG will begin work by examining and considering the existing Common DataBase (CDB) Specification Version 3.2 that is currently maintained as a de-facto industry standard by CAE Inc. The convener and charter members believe that the existing CDB specification is a combination of a data model, an encoding specification, and engineering practices / tutorials tailored for implementers of CDB. An early deliverable of the SWG will be a recommendation of which specific OGC standards products and documents are appropriate for conversion of the existing specification to fit more closely within the architecture of OGC standards and practices.

The proposed OGC Common DataBase SWG charter can be downloaded from https://portal.opengeospatial.org/files/62190 .

If you have any suggestions or comments, please send them to charter-requests at opengeospatial.org

This is a 30 day review period. The review and comment period will end 29 March 2015.


Carl Reed, PhD
Standards Program support
Open Geospatial Consortium

The OGC: Making Location Count!


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