[OSGeo-Standards] OGC MoU and Individual Membership slots

Jáchym Čepický jachym.cepicky at gmail.com
Thu Feb 9 11:47:57 PST 2017

Hi Arnulf (and all others)

I would like to formally ask for one slot OSGeo has reserved by OGC. 
Thought I do not have any fixed plan of concrete steps I would like to 
do or to contribute to, I would like to give it a try and see, what are 
the benefits.

I'm active in development of PyWPS (in incubation) - OGC WPS 
implementation and recently, I came across REST API for geospatial data 
design and this topic is resonating in OGC too - maybe my input could be 

So, if there would be free slot, I would like to pick it up for the next 

Thank you


Dne 6.2.2017 v 15:25 Arnulf Christl napsal(a):
> Dear Board,
> this is to update you on the activities around the MoU with the OGC.
> Currently four OSGeo members have access to closed OGC groups through
> the Individual Membership slots as per the MoU with the OGC [1]. There
> are currently two vacant slots so there seems to be no need to remove
> any of the current members (even although they give way less feedback
> about what they are doing than agreed on in the rules (nudge, nudge)).
> Every now and then activity can be seen, if only be inference.
> Also, the OGC has opened up considerably and more and more standards
> work groups chose to work with public repositories and allowing public
> comments early in the process. So maybe the need for this informal
> committee is decreasing would mean that we accomplished our mission. But
> for now we keep things running as they are.
> Michael Gerlek stepped down from the selection committee (ages ago), but
> I never got around to reporting this. Thanks Michael for all the good
> work and support!
> Bruce Bannerman has kindly offered to step up and help out with the
> selection progress of OSGeo individuals, to function as a second liaison
> officer to the OGC and help out with list administrivia. Thanks, Bruce!
> Anything else you need to know please contact Bruce or myself through
> this list or individually.
> Thanks & all the best,
> Arnulf
> [1] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OGC_Membership
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Jachym Cepicky
e-mail: jachym.cepicky at gmail.com
twitter: @jachymc

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