[OSGeo-Standards] ApacheCon 2021 presentation on OGC APIs: A Suite of Web API Standards for Handling and Exchanging Location Data

Gobe Hobona ghobona at ogc.org
Thu Sep 23 06:51:45 PDT 2021


At 14:10 UTC today, I will present "OGC APIs: A Suite of Web API Standards for Handling and Exchanging Location Data” in the API/Microservices track at ApacheCon 2021.

Here is an overview of the presentation:

• Introduction to OGC
• OGC API Standards
• Examples of Deployment Models
• Innovation Activities
• Ideas for OGC API Support in ASF projects
• Summary

I will mention a number of OSGeo projects during the presentation.

Register for ApacheCon at https://apachecon.com/acah2021/ <https://apachecon.com/acah2021/>

Access at https://hopin.com/events/apachecon-2021-home <https://hopin.com/events/apachecon-2021-home>



Dr. Gobe Hobona, PhD MRICS
Director of Product Management, Standards | Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)
Tel: +44 744 409 6781
ghobona at ogc.org | ogc.org | @opengeospatial


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