[OSGeo-Standards] Developers are invited to the 2024 Joint OGC OSGeo ASF Code Sprint

Tom Kralidis tomkralidis at gmail.com
Wed Jan 10 08:09:00 PST 2024

(sorry for cross-posting)

Hi all: the 4th Joint OGC / OSGeo / ASF Code Sprint will be held
from 26-28 February 2024.  Full details on registration can be found at
[1] and [2].

As demonstrated in the past joint code sprints, this is a great
opportunity for cross-pollination of FOSS4G and standards in an agile/sprint

The OSGeo community is encouraged to sign up and participate!  Feel free
to add your project at [2].  Looking forward to seeing folks at this
upcoming sprint.



[1] https://www.osgeo.org/events/2024-joint-ogc-osgeo-asf-code-sprint/
[2] https://github.com/opengeospatial/developer-events/wiki/2024-Joint-OGC-%E2%80%93-OSGeo-%E2%80%93-ASF-Code-Sprint
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