[OSGeo-Standards] Save the date for the OGC - ASF - OSGeo Code Sprint 🚀

Joana Simoes joana at doublebyte.net
Thu Jan 11 03:48:02 PST 2024


*Good morning,*


The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) is hosting a code sprint along with 
OSGeo and the Apache Software Foundation, from the 26th through the 28th 
of February. The focus of the sprint will be standards for geospatial 
information, and their support in various Free and Open Source projects. 
OSGeo projects can register their interest in participating through the 
sprint wiki page: 

A Code Sprint is a three day hybrid event, where dozens of developers

from around the world come together to code and share their ideas

regarding sharing geospatial information. Even if you are not a

developer, there are lots of ways to be involved in the code sprint,

without actually writing code; e.g.: testing, documentation, issues.

As in previous code sprints, this sprint will include a mentor stream 
targeted at newcomers, which includes an onboarding day with lots of 
introductory tutorials.

The sprint will run on an hybrid format, with the face to face component 
taking place in the beautiful city of Évora (Portugal), a UNESCO World 
Heritage Site, which will become the European capital of culture in 
2027: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C3%89vora 

*You can find more information about the sprint, including a 
registration link in the

code sprint website: <https://developer.ogc.org/sprints/23/ 
<https://developer.ogc.org/sprints/23/>> *

*We thank our hosts and catering supporters

Some sponsoring opportunities are still available, for those who want to 

Hope to see you at the code sprint,

All the Best,


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