[OSGeo-Standards] Does OSGeo really "understand" OGC?

Howard Butler howard at hobu.co
Thu Jan 16 12:58:28 PST 2025

> On Jan 16, 2025, at 2:47 PM, Joana Simoes <joana at doublebyte.net> wrote:
> Howard,
> I think it is important to clarify that OSGeo members have voting rights in SWG (as any other associate member).

I am happy to be corrected. My confusion comes from the fact that I'm only ever listed as an Observer, none of the members of the OSGeo group appear to be Members of any projects according to the portal, and when I was buying my own OGC membership, there wasn't a tier I could afford that provided SWG voting rights.

> They just have to ask the chair to be made a voting member.

And if they say 'no'? ;)

> They do not have voting rights at the TC, but I think the discussions that we are referring to in this context, happen at SWG level.


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