[OSGeo-Standards] Does OSGeo really "understand" OGC?

Rob Atkinson ratkinson at ogc.org
Thu Jan 16 14:55:02 PST 2025

From a pragmatic standpoint, no SWG will (or has ever as far as I know) turn down active and constructive participation.

Membership as a qualification provide some buffer against unsustainable disruption of the precious time members do commit - and public comment periods always allow for input - however it will be celebrated if more developers engage and contribute.

As a long term OsGeo and OGC member and contributor and now staff member, please feel free to reach out to me if you want to talk about how to contribute to specific technical threads I might be involved in - such as FAIR schema publication for communities, semantic enablement, GeoDCAT etc.

I am working to improve or standards development methodologies - Joana will be supporting the logistics.

If we can see better ways to support the OS community we will do out best to support them.  And of course, stay respectful of others commitments - they often have significant challenges in their own organisations and markets promoting the value of open standards, so the OS community has plenty of common ground IMHO

Rob Atkinson
Senior Research Engineer  | Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)
Mobile: +61 419 202973
ratkinson at ogc.org<mailto:ratkinson at ogc.org> | ogc.org<http://ogc.org/> | @opengeospatial


From: Standards <standards-bounces at lists.osgeo.org> on behalf of Howard Butler via Standards <standards at lists.osgeo.org>
Sent: Friday, January 17, 2025 7:58 AM
To: Joana Simoes <joana at doublebyte.net>
Cc: standards at lists.osgeo.org <standards at lists.osgeo.org>
Subject: Re: [OSGeo-Standards] Does OSGeo really "understand" OGC?

> On Jan 16, 2025, at 2:47 PM, Joana Simoes <joana at doublebyte.net> wrote:
> Howard,
> I think it is important to clarify that OSGeo members have voting rights in SWG (as any other associate member).

I am happy to be corrected. My confusion comes from the fact that I'm only ever listed as an Observer, none of the members of the OSGeo group appear to be Members of any projects according to the portal, and when I was buying my own OGC membership, there wasn't a tier I could afford that provided SWG voting rights.

> They just have to ask the chair to be made a voting member.

And if they say 'no'? ;)

> They do not have voting rights at the TC, but I think the discussions that we are referring to in this context, happen at SWG level.


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