WorkShop Agenda

Bob Basques bob.basques at CI.STPAUL.MN.US
Wed Feb 1 16:29:25 EST 2006


Sorry I'm going so slow at this

What I have so far, is below. I kept to the TCMUG group for this go 
araound, nothing says I can't do another down the road though. I'm also 
hoping the TCMUG group takes the Publication of things under their wing 
for other folks, like Randy Knipple, Nancy Read and the like.

If there are any others that are interested or want to confirm, please 
let me know ASAP. The room I picked is already full with the List below, 
but I have other locations I can use.

I'm hoping to get a Diagram of things out to the list below today of the 
different components and how they interact (nicer than the one we handed 
out at the meeting. :c)



*City of Saint Paul “GISmo” Workshop*

Feb. 22^nd – 9:00am to 3:00pm

City Hall Annex

25 West 4^th Street

Saint Paul, Mn. 55102

10^th floor, City Hall Annex

Technical Services Conference Rm.

*Invited Participants*:

David Bitner

David Fawcett (tentative)

Brian Fischer

Kari Geurts (tentative)

Brian Huberty

Steve Lime

Perry Nacionales

Dale Trexel

* Wednesday Feb. 22^nd *

Morning – GISmo Architecture

Overall Architecture

Existing Components

Proposed Components

Interaction of Services



GEOSPAN - Ground level Photography
(Note: this will demonstrate how to integrate other Web Services)

Afternoon – Getting your Hands Dirty Session

Coding of Components


Javascript LIB’s

User Interface

Services Connectors


MapServer Templates.


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