
Steve Lime Steve.Lime at DNR.STATE.MN.US
Fri Aug 3 14:22:26 EDT 2007

Vishal: Raster layers are easy compared to the rest since there are no funky connection
strings nor any classes (usually). This would typically suffice:

  NAME 'myRaster'
  DATA 'myRaster.tif'

If it's no showing up the places I'd start are:

1) are the image coordinates and the map extent overlapping? Use gdalinfo to get the basics
about the image and compare it to your mapfile exent.

2) is it on? You don't say how you're making the map but via the CGI all layers are off unless they
are defaults. I'd use shp2img to troubleshoot this.


>>> >>> On 8/2/2007 at 5:46 AM, in message
<LISTSERV%200708020546115380.008B at LISTS.UMN.EDU>, Vishal Nagpal
<vishu_73ns at YAHOO.COM> wrote:
> > Hello everybody,
> > I am working on Mapserver and have been able to view various layers of ogr
> > files, however am getting stuck with tif and dted files, though there is no
> > error being shown, but the browser displays a blank space. Can somebody help
> > me with writing layer of mapfile for raster files, using GDAL.
> > Vishal Nagpal

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