[TCMUG] Jack Dangermond at UMN

David William Bitner bitner at gyttja.org
Fri Mar 28 13:21:49 EDT 2008

OK, so what am I doing emailing an Open Source GIS list about a Jack
Dangermond Lecture?

Well, regardless of what we may think of ESRI and their software, he is
still arguably one of the most influential individuals in our field and I
think that this is a great opportunity to hear a lecture from him.  I
believe there will also be a meet and greet after the lecture and it never
hurts to have people pointing out how important standards and
interoperability are to someone like Jack :-)

The lecture is taking place at the UMN Alumni Center at 4:30 on April 2nd.

All the details I could find are here:


David William Bitner
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