[TCMUG] Reminder: Meeting tomorrow

Jennifer Strahan jennifer at greeninfo.org
Mon Jun 8 14:53:41 EDT 2009


I can make it, but there's a small chance I'll have to bring my two year 
old with me, if that's okay with everyone.  There's a fairly good chance 
that I can get a sitter though. 


Jessica Fendos wrote:
> Hi all:
> For tomorrow's meeting, I reserved a room for tomorrow (from 4:00 to 
> 5:00 PM) that can accommodate up to 20 people back in end of April.
> As agreed at our last meeting, Jennifer Strahan will present her 
> OpenLayers/Feature Server project in CA and Paul Wickman has proposed 
> to demo his MapServer mobile application at this coming meeting. Could 
> both presenters confirm your attendance?
> Others on the TCMUG mailing list, would you also drop me an email 
> confirming your availability? DEED's address is: 332 Minnesota St., 
> Suite E 200 (2F), St. Paul, MN 55101. My office phone number is 
> 651-259-7389 if you need to reach me. 
> http://map.deed.state.mn.us/agency/google/DEED/DEED.html .
> Thanks!
> Jessica
> Jessica Manli Fendos, GISP
> GIS Applications Developer
> Labor Market Information (LMI) Office
> MN Department of Employment and Economic Development
> Tel: 651-259-7389
> jessica.fendos at state.mn.us <mailto:jessica.fendos at state.mn.us>
> http://www.socsci.umn.edu/~fend0009/homepage 
> <http://www.socsci.umn.edu/%7Efend0009/homepage>
> Lon: -93.091 Lat: 44.946
> >>> Perry Nacionales <pnaciona at gmail.com> 6/8/2009 12:24 PM >>>
> Folks,
> My apologies for such a short notice and not realizing people actually 
> rely on me for this... We do have a meeting tomorrow (Tuesday) at the 
> Dept. of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) in St. Paul: 
> http://map.deed.state.mn.us/agency/google/DEED/DEED.html
> Jennifer Strahan and Paul Wickman are scheduled to give a talk about 
> their respective projects/work.
> As DEED is hosting this meeting, I hope Jessica can provide us with 
> more details and agenda.
> Let's see who are planning on coming...
> -Perry
> PS: I can't come as I have a meeting at the same time.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Jennifer Strahan, GIS Specialist
GreenInfo Network - www.greeninfo.org -
Information and Mapping in the Public Interest

**As of Oct. 13, 2008 we have a new address**
564 Market Street, Suite 510
San Francisco CA 94104

Phone: 651-917-0191
Fax: 415-979-0371
Email: jennifer at greeninfo.org 

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