[TCMUG] FW: [Imports] TriMet will begin OSM improvements in thePortland area

McGuire, Matthew Matt.McGuire at metc.state.mn.us
Fri Feb 11 11:30:01 EST 2011

We are involved, as I hope the city of Saint Paul will be, in a Cycloplan project, which aims to do something very much what you are describing for bikeways.

Cyclopath, as you probably know, is a Geowiki, not unlike OSM, but with a  focus on bikeways in the Twin Cities. Cycloplan extends this to work with agencies that officially create and maintain bikeways. It will allow the community to edit data, but it will create a permissions/authority model, so that you can create protected features, attributes, and entire branches of the data.

It is a model to which many in the OSM community in place now passionately object.

From: Bob Basques [mailto:Bob.Basques at ci.stpaul.mn.us]
Sent: Friday, February 11, 2011 9:33 AM
To: 'tcmug at lists.osgeo.org'; McGuire, Matthew
Subject: Re: [TCMUG] FW: [Imports] TriMet will begin OSM improvements in thePortland area


I would still like to followup on the discussion at Last years TCMUG meeting that talked about building independant OSM nodes that could be managed (and owned) by local communities for exactly this type of editing.   There are specific items in the OSM layers that we (as a City) would like to share, that we are the recognized Authority of, but would prefer not to leave open for anyone else to edit, especially if we're to start using the OSM data in our respective operational systems.  Otherwise the OSM data becomes just another dataset, which we already maintain in our own form.

This semi-private custodial node structure is of high interest here in implementing, since it lets an authorized entity (the City in this case) share it's entrusted data without fear of it being re-edited, once it's out in the open space.

There have been some talk of trying to apply this type of thing down at the feature level as well, but I'm not up on OSM of late.


>>> "McGuire, Matthew" <Matt.McGuire at metc.state.mn.us> wrote:

TriMet – the Portland transit agency – are taking it upon themselves as an agency to improve (and maintain?) the quality of the OSM data for their area. They are hiring a few interns to manually go through the OSM data and fix it based on their own data and 2010 aerials (six inch).

Originally, I was thinking some massive import would be a good solution. But I think now we should just start editing the map. Those of you on the Map Minnesota list are seeing the activity. If we increase the number of active mappers in the region we could have an incredible dataset.

Things you can do -
Sign up (if you haven’t already) with OSM and the OSM wiki. Register yourself as a user in the Twin Cities http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Category:Users_in_the_Twin_Cities

(and Minneapolis, Saint Paul, or wherever else around town you map)

And me as a friend http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/User:Mcguirmm  (and send me a note too!)

Join the Map Minnesota mailing list

Oh, yeah – and start mapping! Let’s blow it out.


From: PJ Houser [mailto:stephanie.jean.houser at gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2011 8:29 PM
To: talk-us at openstreetmap.org; imports at openstreetmap.org
Subject: [Imports] TriMet will begin OSM improvements in the Portland area

TriMet will begin OSM improvements in the Portland area beginning Monday February 21, 2011.
Geographic Extent:  Multnomah, Clark, Washington, and Clackamas County
Timeframe:  6 months, February 18, 2011 – August 18, 2011
OSM User Names:  TriMet_PJH, TriMet_MSB, TriMet_GNH, TriMet_BB
Reference files used to make the improvements:
Metro’s Regional Datasets: streets.shp, trails.shp, bikes.shp  (starting with current versions dated January 2011)
            6 inch aerial imagery flown Fall 2010

Improvements using ArcMap's OSM Editor include:

·      Street alignments

o  Streets with bus routes on them are allowed a 5 foot difference between OSM and Metro.

o  Streets without bus routes are allowed a 10 foot buffer.

·      Attributes

o  The attributes in Metro's data will be rewritten in a form matching OSM.

o  Missing sections can then be copied and pasted into OSM's data layer.

·      Geometrically incorrect sections

o  will be snapped to match Metro's

·      We will also be checking directionality
The work from this project will support applications and projects such as the Open Trip Planner http://opentripplanner.org/ and The Intertwine http://theintertwine.org/.

For more detailed information or questions, please contact Bibiana McHugh mchughb at trimet.org<mailto:mchughb at trimet.org> or myself (PJ Houser, stephanie.jean.houser at gmail.com<mailto:stephanie.jean.houser at gmail.com>)


PJ Houser
Trimet, GIS

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