[Tilecache] seeding a tilecache using a bounding box

Toby Semroc Toby.Semroc at Seattle.Gov
Thu Apr 3 14:27:37 EDT 2008

I have a WMS that I'm trying to cache using tilecach_seed.py.  If I set my bounding box to  bbox=-180.0,-90.0,180.0,90.0 the resulting cache shows up in open layers in the correct coordinate space.  If I specify a window like bbox=-122.533,47.491,-122.162,47.744 then the cached map shows up in the wrong location in open layers.  What am I missing?
here's my tilecache.cfg config:
and here's the command I give to seed the tile cache: 
tilecache_seed.py "http://spugisdev02.spu.cos.local/servlet/com.esri.esrimap.Esrim 
ap?ServiceName=generic_base2&ClientVersion=4.0" test_base 0 7 "-122.533,47.491,-122.162,47.744"
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