[Tilecache] multiple layers with openlayers, tilecache

Christopher Schmidt crschmidt at metacarta.com
Thu Jun 12 20:22:31 EDT 2008

On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 05:09:27PM -0700, Matt Bartolome wrote:
> Hi,
> I wanted to report a minor bug in TileCache/Layers/Mapnik.py
> I came across this by accident when my mapnik xml file was missing one
> of the layers I was requesting from tilecache.cfg.

This was fixed in r325, approximately 2 weeks ago.

> I did have a question though... How does tilecache handle multiple
> layers when requested from openlayers?

It doesn't. You can't request that TileCache merges multiple layers
together. Just create a single layer with all the layers you're looking
for in it:


Christopher Schmidt

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