[Tilecache] ArcXML layer improvements

Jason Suwala jsuwala at hatfieldgroup.com
Wed May 28 20:47:57 EDT 2008

Hi All:

I've been trying to get the TileCache ArcXML layer to work, and had to make
a couple of changes.

These changes include:
1) adding the attribute "order="true"" to the LAYERLIST tag. This makes the
order in which you list the layers in tilecache.cfg important - the last one
listed ends up being the top-most layer (and the first listed is at the

2) If the projection is specified as an EPSG number (such as "4326" for
EPSG:4326), the FEATURECOORDSYS and FILTERCOORDSYS tags need to have the
attribute name set to "id" instead of "string".

My patch incorporating these changes is attached, and included below my

Jason Suwala, B.Eng
Environmental Information System Specialist
Hatfield Consultants
201 - 1571 Bellevue Avenue
West Vancouver, BC
Canada   V7V 1A6
Phone: 604.926-3261
Fax: 604.926-5389
Website: www.hatfieldgroup.com

Index: ArcXML.py


--- ArcXML.py	(revision 307)

+++ ArcXML.py	(working copy)

@@ -84,7 +84,10 @@

         if self.projection:
             doc = m.Document()
             feat = doc.createElement("FEATURECOORDSYS")
-            feat.setAttribute("string", self.projection)
+	    if self.projection.isdigit():
+		feat.setAttribute("id", self.projection)
+	    else:
+		feat.setAttribute("string", self.projection)
             projection_text = "%s\n%s" % (
                    feat.toxml(), feat.toxml().replace("FEATURE", "FILTER"))
         return """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
@@ -95,7 +98,7 @@

 <ENVELOPE minx="%s" miny="%s" maxx="%s" maxy="%s" />
 <IMAGESIZE height="%s" width="%s" />
+<LAYERLIST order="true" >

-------------- next part --------------
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