[Tilecache] embed tilecache

Christopher Schmidt crschmidt at metacarta.com
Sun Sep 7 16:43:05 EDT 2008

On Sun, Sep 07, 2008 at 03:49:40PM +0200, Guillaume Sueur wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> I wasn't probably clear enough.
> My django app acts as an authentication proxy for WMS layers (not only,
> but on the delivering images job, it does) :
> client -->  django = auth + mapscript.py --> drawImage
> client				<--
> What I would like is the same for tilecache configured layers :
> client --> django auth --> layer isTilecached  ? --> getTheTile
> client				<---

Okay. You want to craft a service dynamically (see doc/Examples.py) and
then call service_obj.dispatchRequest(); check
'pydoc TileCache.Service.dispatchRequest' for more. (And patches to
include docstrings are welcome.)  

> So basically it would mean adding something from tilecache inside my
> django app, to be able to retrieve the tile or generate it if not yet.

> Good to read your last lines too !

They're unlikely to help you, sine you want to work below the mod_python
abstraction barrier.

Christopher Schmidt

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