[Tilecache] Rép. : Need a simple advice...

SIMON MERCIER simon.mercier at msp.gouv.qc.ca
Thu Aug 20 10:16:32 EDT 2009

you get it right etienne.  We use sommeting like that to do the same trick...
var layer_nocivi = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS( "No civique", "http://spssogl90t/tilecache/tilecache.cgi?",
                                              {layers: 'no_civique_role',
                                               srs: 'EPSG:900913' 

>>> Etides <etienne.desgagne at roche.ca> 19/8/2009 18:00 >>>

    If I have a OL site and don't want to precalculate all the tiles from a
WMS but instead let the users navigate and then use Tilecache to create the
tiles and cache it the first time they hit a sector... Is it ok to create
the layer this way:

var tc_wms = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS( "My layer", "tilecache.py?", {...});

Is letting the users use the tilecache.py directly the way to go of if this
should only be use to precalculate tiles?

Thanks a lot


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