[Tilecache] AWSS3 Permissions / Policy Patch

Tom MacWright macwright at gmail.com
Tue Jun 9 18:37:32 EDT 2009


It's me again - I'm putting tiles into S3, and have noticed that they have
the default policy attached - "private." Since S3 does file permissions on a
file-by-file basis, it would make sense to set permissions as files are
uploaded, instead of changing them all recursively with an S3 client. Here's
a patch which allows one to set any of the 'canned acls' that amazon
provides (private, public-read, public-read-write, authenticated-read).
Currently it only works with boto installed... there is probably a way to do
this with the included S3 library, but I haven't gotten that library to work
for me and the solution would be a bit more complex. If a patch for that is
deemed necessary, I can do it.

Configuration is like this after the patch:


The patch is up at http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/68059/s3_policy.diff

Tom MacWright
- developmentseed.org
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