[Tilecache] More CustomService.py Questions

Brian Walawender Brian.Walawender at noaa.gov
Fri Mar 13 17:04:42 EDT 2009

Ok - I've designed a service that reads the configuration information from a
Postgres database.  But now I've seem introduced a new bottleneck.  My table
has 20,500 rows.  Any suggestions to my code below?  It seems that I am
quickly maxing out the connections (or at least really slowing down the
# This example code demonstrates how you can construct
# a custom service as an alternative to the config file.
# This allows you to, for example, determine what layers to
# load based on request parameters or something similar --
# the config file based loading technique is handy, but 
# probably doesn't solve all problems.
from TileCache.Service import Service, modPythonHandler
from TileCache.Caches.Disk import Disk
import TileCache.Layers.WMS as WMS
import re
import psycopg2
import sys
def handler (req):
  url_args = req.args
  tmp_str = url_args.upper()
  if tmp_str.find("LAYERS=") > -1:
    argList = url_args.split("&")
    map_layer = argList[0]
    map_layer = map_layer[7:]
    url_args = req.unparsed_uri
    paramList = url_args.split("/")
    map_layer = paramList[4]
    conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname='gis' user='user' host='123.456.789'
  sqlCMD = "SELECT wms_layer, wms_url, extension, bbox, max_resolution,
debug, srs FROM tilecache_config WHERE map_layer='"
  sqlCMD = sqlCMD + map_layer + "'" 
  cur = conn.cursor()
  row = cur.fetchone()
  wms_layer = row[0]  
  wms_url = row[1]
  myExtension = row[2]
  myBBox = row[3]
  myMaxRes = row[4]
  myDebug = row[5]
  mySRS = row[6]
  myService = Service (
      map_layer       : WMS.WMS( map_layer,
                    layers = wms_layer, 
                    url = wms_url,
                    extension = myExtension,
                    bbox = myBBox, 
                    maxResolution= myMaxRes,
                    debug = myDebug,
                    srs= mySRS),
  return modPythonHandler(req, myService)
Brian Walawender
Technique Development Meteorologist
Scientific Services Division - Central Region Headquarters
816-268-3114 - Office
816-805-6497 - Cell
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