[Tilecache] More CustomService.py Questions

Soenke J. Peters peters+tilecache.openlayers.org at opcenter.de
Fri Mar 13 19:05:52 EDT 2009

Hi Brian,

Brian Walawender schrieb:
> Ok – I’ve designed a service that reads the configuration information
> from a Postgres database.  But now I’ve seem introduced a new
> bottleneck.  My table has 20,500 rows.  Any suggestions to my code
> below?  It seems that I am quickly maxing out the connections (or at
> least really slowing down the database).

try to use a persistent connection to the database, instead of
establishing a new connection on each and every request.
Also check your table layout - maybe a missing index on the map_layer
column is causing slow queries.

Have a nice weekend,
  ____   Soenke Jan Peters
 |_  _|    22395 Hamburg, Germany
 ._||      E-Mail & Jabber/XMPP: peters at opcenter.de
           WWW: http://opcenter.de, GnuPG Key-ID: 0xF358FDCA

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