[Tilecache] TileCache shows pink tiles after a certain zoom level

martin g myint101 at gmail.com
Thu May 14 05:14:57 EDT 2009

problem solved - "auto" is not your friend

2009/5/13 martin g <myint101 at gmail.com>

> Dear Userlist,
> I'm running TileCache with Openlayers and Mapserver (under CGI) - my
> Openlayers .php file is working fine until the fourth zoom level - only some
> parts of the map are shown and on the corners and borders the images aren't
> drawn - only my Overview map (with the same values like the map has) is able
> to show this content -  I guess this is due to wrong resolutions but I don't
> know where my mistake is - it would be nice if someone could help me finding
> the error.
> Here are my map options defined in the Openlayers .php file :
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 var mapOptions = {    projection: "EPSG:4326",
>                                     controls: [],
>                                     scales: [17500000, 14000000, 7000000,
> 3000000, 2000000, 1000000, 400000, 250000],
>                                     maxResolution: "auto",
>                                     maxExtent: new
> OpenLayers.Bounds(60.00167, 20, 100, 44.984),
>                                     restrictedExtent: new
> OpenLayers.Bounds(60.00167, 20, 100, 44.984),
>                                     eventListeners: {"moveend": mapEvent }
>                                     };
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> And this is my TileCache layer defined in tilecache.cfg file:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [myproject]
> type=WMS
> url=
> http://geo.ac.at/cgi-bin/mapserv5?map=/srv/www/htdocs/project/myproject/mod_mapViewer/myParams/myMap.map
> layers=basic, postgis
> bbox= 60.00167, 20, 100, 44.984
> resolutions= 0.156243, 2406.250000, 420,
> 0.05555867954073659,0.04444694363258927,0.022223471816294634,0.009524345064126272,0.006349563376084183,0.0031747816880420914,0.0012699126752168362,0.0007936954220105229,0.0007936954220105229,0.0007936954220105229,0.0007936954220105229,0.0007936954220105229,0.0007936954220105229,0.0007936954220105229,0.0007936954220105229,0.0007936954220105229,0.0007936954220105229,0.0555586795,0.0444469436,0.0222234718,0.00952434506,0.00634956338,0.00317478169,0.00126991268,0.000793695422
> srs=EPSG:4326
> extension=png
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> The first 3 resolution values were - I guess -  recommanded by TileCache -
> the remaining resolution values are calculated with the following function:
>     for (var i = 0; i <= map.numZoomLevels; i++) {
>           resolutions.push(map.getResolutionForZoom(i));
>     }
>     console.log(resolutions.join(','));
> Thanks in advance for help.
> Martin
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