[Tilecache] Missing some tiles

hz hanks hankshz at gmail.com
Tue Oct 30 14:04:22 PDT 2012

Hi, All:

I've set up the tile cache under apache and it's working well. The
only problem is that some tiles will be missing under some zoom levels
(zoom level > 16) in some deterministic position.

The configuration is quite simple:

And the code is as following:
var basicLayer =  new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS( "basic",
"http://localhost/cgi-bin/tilecache.cgi?", {layers: 'basic', format:
'image/png' } );

Since it's working well when zoom level is less than 16, and I can
indeed get the tiles in those positions if I access the map server
directly, I don't know where is wrong. Can anyone help me? Thanks!


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