[TOSprint] Vienna Code Sprint 2014 - Status update 2

Stephan Meißl stephan at meissl.name
Wed Oct 30 04:05:31 PDT 2013

Hi Arnulf,

great, thanks a lot. Yes, please let me know which logo and link to use
on the website. I'll add a blog entry about our first bronze sponsor ;)
and gladly include any (well almost ;)) text you send.

I'll send you an invoice including the details off-list.

Thanks also for the offer of adding a News item. That would be great but
maybe closer to the event. I'll come back to that later.


On 10/29/2013 06:27 PM, Arnulf Christl wrote:
> Stephan,
> this looks great, thanks for the effort. Please let me know where to
> wire the €500,- to sponsor this event and what ales you need (I guess a
> logo, maybe an short endorsement text or some such).
> I am happy to add the event to the regular News item list of OSGeo if
> you would like that (well knowing that you don't need more advertizing
> because you are filling up quickly already...)
> Thanks,
> Arnulf
> On 29.10.2013 16:42, Stephan Meißl wrote:
>> Hi sprinters,
>> please find below some recent updates from Vienna.
>> First of all we have a new website [1], yay. Thanks to Daniel and Marko
>> for helping with the domain and design. Please feel free to send pull
>> requests [2] if you want to say something on the website's blog.
>> I've started to contact potential sponsors. Please let me know if you
>> know somebody I should contact our point them to the website [3]
>> directly. Many thanks.
>> We are getting really excited as places are filling up. We have already
>> 20 participants registered most of them with a "very likely" likeliness
>> of attendance. Thus make sure to add yourself [4] early enough before we
>> maybe have to start a waitlist.
>> We are working on something big maybe unveiled in the next status
>> update, stay tuned.
>> cu
>> Stephan
>> [1] http://vienna2014.sprint.osgeo.org
>> [2] https://github.com/EOX-A/vienna_code_sprint_2014
>> [3] http://vienna2014.sprint.osgeo.org/sponsoring.html
>> [4] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Vienna_Code_Sprint_2014#Participants

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