[TOSprint] [FOSS4G 2021] Virtual Codesprint Brainstorm and Volunteer call

María Arias de Reyna delawen at gmail.com
Tue Mar 2 05:04:38 PST 2021


As you may have heard, next FOSS4G is going to take place online.

Our original idea for the face to face version was to have the
codesprint take place during the whole week (similar as it was in
FOSS4G Bonn) on a central room with transparent walls so it was more
integrated on the conference. We were also planning to host sessions
on "how to participate on a codesprint" or "how to start contributing
to FOSS" to help newbies get more involved in the code process. But as
you can imagine, now we have to recycle these ideas and convert it to
a virtual form.

I was wondering if we could have some help from people here to
brainstorm and maybe even some volunteer with more experience on
virtual codesprints to lead the codesprint for this FOSS4G. We can
offer a virtual room, but does it make sense to have a video
conference with all the people participating on the codesprint at the
same time? Would a non video but virtual room (as in workadventu.re)
make sense? So people gather there when they are code-sprinting and
people can approach them and talk to them? Maybe just an IRC-like

What is the best approach here? How can we help to make codesprinters
life easier?

How can we make the codesprint a more visible part of the FOSS4G? We
wanted to show how important are developers and maintainers to our
ecosystem, but we are not sure how to do this properly without putting
too much load into developers themselves.


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