[TOSprint] [FOSS4G 2021] Virtual Codesprint Brainstorm and Volunteer call

Luca Delucchi lucadeluge at gmail.com
Wed Mar 3 21:46:42 PST 2021

On Tue, 2 Mar 2021 at 14:05, María Arias de Reyna <delawen at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi!

Hi Maria,

> I was wondering if we could have some help from people here to
> brainstorm and maybe even some volunteer with more experience on
> virtual codesprints to lead the codesprint for this FOSS4G. We can
> offer a virtual room, but does it make sense to have a video
> conference with all the people participating on the codesprint at the
> same time? Would a non video but virtual room (as in workadventu.re)
> make sense? So people gather there when they are code-sprinting and
> people can approach them and talk to them? Maybe just an IRC-like
> channel?

During the last two code sprint I participated there structure was
more or less the same and it worked well.
One main room with fixed appointments with general presentation (like
result or ongoing work) and later a room for each project.

I looked at workadventu.re and it seems good, it seems that it can use
different jitsi channels so it could be doable

> How can we make the codesprint a more visible part of the FOSS4G? We
> wanted to show how important are developers and maintainers to our
> ecosystem, but we are not sure how to do this properly without putting
> too much load into developers themselves.

Maybe you could add some specific talk during the conference, as you
wrote before ("how to participate on a codesprint" or "how to start
to FOSS" talks) plus some specific lighting talk from project on what
they will work during the code sprint

> Cheers!
> María.




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