[Ubuntu] Mapserver build without fribidi support

Alan Boudreault aboudreault at mapgears.com
Thu Oct 8 06:54:36 EDT 2009


The only reason why MapServer in Debian/Ubuntu is not compiled with fribidi 
support is that this feature is not much used. Only a few users need it. 
However, it is very easy to recompile the deb package with fribidi support.

Here's a example how to recompile a debian package:
 1- apt-get install devscripts build-essential
 2- apt-get source mapserver
 3- apt-get build-dep mapserver (this will install all build dependencies 
 4- cd mapserver-5.4.2
 5 - Add the configure option in debian/rules file, and the fribidi dev 
package in debian/control (see the Build-Depends section) 
 6- debuild -us -uc
 7- cd ..
 8- dpkg -i cgi-mapserver_5.4.2-1_i386.deb


On October 8, 2009 03:27:14 am Jochen Topf wrote:
> Hi!
> If I understand correctly Mapserver supports bidirectional text since 5.2
> or 5.4. But the Ubuntu build is compiled without fribidi support. Is there
> a reason for this? Can you build mapserver with fribidi-Suuport?
> (doc is in README.CONFIGURE, search for FriBidi).
> Jochen

Alan Boudreault

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