[Ubuntu] Python mapscript Segmentation fault
Frank Broniewski
brfr at metrico.lu
Thu Feb 17 09:47:07 EST 2011
FYI: http://trac.osgeo.org/ubuntugis/ticket/9
Am 16.02.2011 17:31, schrieb Alan Boudreault:
> Ok,
> Please fill a ticket in the project trac: http://trac.osgeo.org/ubuntugis/
> Unfortunately, I'm afraid I'm busy with a few projects with deadlines. I hope
> to get a moment to take a look soon.
> Thanks,
> Alan
> On February 16, 2011 05:50:44 am Frank Broniewski wrote:
>> Hi Alan,
>> I did a
>> apt-get build-dep python-mapscript
>> and downloaded the latest mapserver source from mapserver.org (5.6.6).
>> In the mapserver source directory:
>> ./configure --enable-debug --with-ogr --with-gdal with-wfs
>> make
>> then I went into the mapscript/python directory and did a
>> python setup.py build
>> I copied my test script into the mapscript directory, renamed
>> mapscript.py (the module) to mapscript2.py just to avoid importing the
>> wrong module and did my test again (with import mapscript2 as mapscript)
>> - and I get some binaryish characters back on the console, so I can
>> report that it works with a self compiled version. I didn't enable all
>> the modules (--with-xyz) as in the packaged mapserver, I hope that isn't
>> a problem.
>> Over on the mapserver list, someone wrote me:
>>> Am 14.02.2011 11:58, schrieb Eichner, Andreas - SID-NLKM:
>>> Hi,
>>> it looks like the Python MapScript module is compiled against a different
>>> regex libary than the Python interpreter uses. The "premature end of
>>> script headers" is usually caused by a SIGSEGV where the script gets
>>> killed before being able to send any headers. I would suggest to build
>>> python-mapscript on your own.
>>> HTH
>> Frank
>> Am 15.02.2011 17:11, schrieb Alan Boudreault:
>>> hi Frank,
>>> Would you be able to try to reproduce that bug using a manual
>>> installation of mapserver/python binding. I would be interrested to know
>>> if it's a packaging bug or not. It might be a swig binding bug.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Alan
>>> On February 15, 2011 10:05:02 am Frank Broniewski wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I have a problem with python mapscript concerning the OWSRequest.
>>>> Whenever I pass an URL to setParameter and call OWSDispatch(request)
>>>> mapscript crashes with a segfault. A small snippet for testing:
>>>> request = mapscript.OWSRequest()
>>>> request.setParameter('LAYERS','post')
>>>> request.setParameter('SLD', '')
>>>> request.setParameter('FORMAT','image/png')
>>>> request.setParameter('SERVICE','WMS')
>>>> request.setParameter('VERSION','1.1.1')
>>>> request.setParameter('REQUEST','GetMap')
>>>> request.setParameter('STYLES','')
>>>> request.setParameter('EXCEPTIONS','application/vnd.ogc.se_inimage')
>>>> request.setParameter('SRS','EPSG:2169')
>>>> request.setParameter('BBOX','64757.194165115,66551.046310101,89442.80583
>>>> 488 5,83748.953689899') request.setParameter('WIDTH','1399')
>>>> request.setParameter('HEIGHT','975')
>>>> map = mapscript.mapObj('/usr/local/mapconf/share/osm.map')
>>>> map.OWSDispatch(request)
>>>> Map debug level is 5, console output is:
>>>> brfr at E033:/usr/local/www$ python ows_test.py
>>>> Content-type: image/png
>>>> Segmentation fault
>>>> I am using the following sources:
>>>> deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntugis/ubuntugis-unstable/ubuntu hardy
>>>> main deb-src
>>>> http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntugis/ubuntugis-unstable/ubuntu hardy main
>>>> Whenever I pass the request to the mapserver cgi all works as expected.
>>>> It seems the parameter parser for python mapscript uses another parser
>>>> than cgi-mapserver. Using urllib.quote, urllib.quote_plus doesn't help
>>>> any further.
>>>> Many thanks for help and tipps
>>>> Frank
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