[Ubuntu] SAGA GIS error

Ricardo Filipe Soares Garcia da ricardo.garcia.silva at gmail.com
Tue Jan 11 14:35:13 EST 2011

Hello list

I have installed SAGA GIS from the ubuntugis-unstable repository. I am
using Ubuntu 10.10.
In trying to use the 'saga_cmd' tool I get a segmentation fault. The
whole error follows:

 error: module library

available module libraries:
- libgrid_spline.so
- libgeostatistics_kriging.so
- libio_grid_image.so
- libtransect.so
- libtable_tools.so
- libta_hydrology.so
- libsim_cellular_automata.so
- libgrid_analysis.so
- libta_compound.so
Segmentation fault

This happens as I type saga_cmd, without arguments in a bash prompt.
However, I can run saga_gui normally. Could this be some kind of
packaging error?
Thank you

___________________________ ___ __
Ricardo Garcia Silva

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