[Ubuntu] UbuntuGIS Upgrade

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Tue May 17 13:56:08 EDT 2011

I believe that 1.8.3 is in Stable(Under Karmic), Pirmin mentioned that
the deb for Karmic also works up until at least Lucid (I installed them
on my Lucid the other day and just had to EXPORT a path var to get it

Really depends on Pirmin and Massimo to bring the packaging back up to
date. In the meantime if you want to get a more recent version OSGeo
Live has a script you could try to build from source with:

That said what about R(raster package, etc.), SAGA, Orfeo Toolbox,
Opticks, or SPRING, (I'll assume you've exhausted what GRASS can do.)


On 05/17/2011 06:39 AM, christopher legg wrote:
> When is Ossim likely to be included in UbuntuGIS? There is a serious
> lack of good remote sensing software in Ubuntu. MultiSpec will work
> under Wine, with some problems, but I know of nothing else.
> On Tue, 2011-05-17 at 09:27 -0400, Alan Boudreault wrote:
>> Since Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty) was released a few weeks ago, I've upgraded the 
>> UbuntuGIS repositories.
>> Distributions Support
>> ------------------------
>>  * UbuntuGIS now supports Natty.
>>  * Karmic packages have been completely deleted from the unstable repository. 
>> They only remain in the stable repository.
>> http://trac.osgeo.org/ubuntugis/wiki/SupportedDistributions
>> Stable Repository
>> --------------------
>>  * Upgraded with the last unstable repository state.
>>  * Now includes packages for Maverick.
>>  * Packages versions:
>>     gdal: 1.7.3    
>>     libgdal-ecw: 1.7.3
>>     libgdal-mrsid: 1.7.3
>>     geos: 3.2.2
>>     grass: 6.4.0
>>     libgdal-grass: 1.7.3
>>     libgeotiff-dfsg: 1.2.5
>>     postgis: 1.5.2
>>     mapserver: 5.6.6
>>     proj: 4.7.0 
>>     qgis: 1.3.0 (hardy) and 1.6.0
>>     spatialite: 2.4.0~rc4
>>     tinyows: 0.9.0
>>     osgearth: 1.4.1
>>     saga: 2.0.5
>>     tilecache: 2.10
>>    For the complete list: 
>> https://launchpad.net/~ubuntugis/+archive/ppa/?field.series_filter=
>> As usual, this repository will stay at the same state for another ~6 months.
>> Unstable Repository
>> ----------------------
>>  * Upgraded with the latest software releases.
>>  * Now includes packages for Maverick.
>>  * Packages versions:
>>     gdal: 1.8.0
>>     geos: 3.2.2
>>     grass: 6.4.1
>>     libgdal-ecw: 1.8.0
>>     libgdal-grass: 1.8.0
>>     libgdal-mrsid: 1.8.0
>>     libgeotiff-dfsg: 1.3.0
>>     mapserver: 6.0.0
>>     postgis: 1.5.2
>>     proj: 4.7.0
>>     qgis: 1.3.0 (hardy) and 1.6.0
>>     spatialite: 2.4.0~rc4
>>     tinyows: 0.9.0
>>     osgearth: 1.4.1
>>     saga: 2.0.5
>>     tilecache: 2.10
>> For the complete list: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntugis/+archive/ubuntugis-
>> unstable/?field.series_filter=
>> regards,
>> Alan
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