[Ubuntu] spatialite on 12.04 ?
Alan Boudreault
aboudreault at mapgears.com
Thu May 31 06:18:03 PDT 2012
For your information, we are doing some work and just uploaded
spatialite 3.1 in ubuntugis-testing. We should finish the in a week or
so and push everything in ubuntugis-unstable. Due to the lack of time,
we haven't planned to put other packages but libspatialite3 in the repo
(spatialiate-gui, rasterlite etc..)
Volunteers are welcome :)
On 12-05-29 03:36 PM, Alex Mandel wrote:
> On 05/29/2012 05:23 AM, Micha Silver wrote:
>> Is any work being done on the spatialite suite (+rasterlite) available for
>> Precise? The current CLI version 3.0.0beta of spatialite-bin is almost a year
>> old, and the spatialite-gui 1.3 is really ancient, and lacks many features
>> available in the CLI. So, for example, a user creating a database from the
>> command line will not be able to open it with the GUI.
>> Thanks,
>> Micha
>> --
>> Micha Silver
>> http://www.surfaces.co.il
>> 52-3665918
> Micha,
> The gui has always lagged in packaging in large part because Sandro
> keeps adding new dependencies which are tricky to build. We rely heavily
> on the debiangis team to figure this stuff out.
> I know I got stuck on the 1.5 gui because it won't build without
> rasterlite (which I couldn't get to build) so I'm using 1.4.x. This was
> in part because some new libs were needed that are only in very recent
> versions of debian/ubuntu. Now that precise is out maybe its more feasible.
> If you know anyone with skills in packaging that can help send them on
> over. Keep in mind we also want to keep in line with what QGIS supports
> otherwise you get databases that can't be opened there either.
> It would be great actually if we can get someone who is good with
> spatialite building to help maintain the packages though Sandro seems
> happy enough not to be involved.
> Thanks,
> Alex
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Alan Boudreault
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