[Ubuntu] New PostGIS update

Hamish hamish_b at yahoo.com
Sat Jul 6 18:55:26 PDT 2013


> Right now I have to remember not to run a blanket update on my 10.04
> machines to avoid pulling postgis 2 which would break long running
> systems.

while not a general solution (but if you see new packages show up
before you want to use them) to keep at the current versions try:

echo "postgis hold" | dpkg --set-selections
echo "postgresql-8.4-postgis hold" | dpkg --set-selections

you need to keep an eye out for security updates though.


ps- debian has experimental -> unstable -> testing -> stable.
if ubuntugis has developed with that order mixed, perhaps it
is time to rethink how the ubuntugis repos are updated.
It helps that debian only has that one path, while for ubuntugis
we are considering the same for every 6 month ubuntu release,
which is an additional degree of freedom to try and support.
"incoming" and "tested" might be less confusing wordings than
"unstable" and "testing" if debian's long standing definitions
of those names are not going to be followed.

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