[Ubuntu] UbuntuGIS PSC Creation

Tim Michelsen timmichelsen at gmx-topmail.de
Fri Nov 8 03:01:13 PST 2013

> 4. Still at least by my opinion, the PPA naming  stable, testing,
> unstable is very confusing for all newcomers which automatically expect
> the same behavior as in Debian. If this schema remains the same, or it
> will change to something other, it needs clearly documented workflow how
> packages migrates from testing, staging to production and how often and
> under which circumstances production packages are upgraded.
I would support this statement.
Let's include daily build PPA activties into the UbuntuGIS plan.

It could be:
* sync effort with Debian
* addition of new packages to universe
* set-up of daily build PPAs for the most important/active/crucial
packages (QGIS, GRASS, gdal, etc.)

Kind regards.

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