[Ubuntu] Introduce myself

Fernando fnorte at gmail.com
Thu Nov 7 03:30:37 PST 2013

HI Everyone,

My name is Fernando Norte, I'm a brazilian web developer with 2 1/2 years
of experience with web GIS development, using Ubuntu for more than 6y, and
more than 20y experience with development (mostly web).

I'm joining the list to follow updates at the UbuntuGIS repository.

I don't have any experience in how to update a repository, but I'll be glad
to help if anyone send my links about it, or if I can do anything to help
to keep this up to date tell me too.

My regards,

Fernando G. Norte
BHte - MG
cel: +55 31 9119 8814
MSN e Gtalk # fnorte at gmail.com
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