[Ubuntu] UbuntuGIS PSC Nominations are Open

Seven (aka Arnulf) seven at arnulf.us
Fri Jan 17 01:53:33 PST 2014

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Johan, All,
I have been following the slow - or maybe just thoughtful :-) progress
on the formation of the UbuntuGIS PSC for some time. Thanks to Johan for
picking this up and nominating members. I second all of the proposed
nominees and think they will be a good starting group. Please keep it
coming - nominate your own candidate or even self nominate if you
believe you can bring something useful to the table.

Looking forward to see an initial group of PSC members forming. Please
keep in mind that this is not like a marriage; You can get out of it
without pain or big losses at any time and it is perfectly acceptable to
have some changes during the initialization of this group.

Best regards,

On 16.01.2014 20:45, Johan Van de Wauw wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I guess all of us are either too shy to do a first post or subject to
> a certain form of procrastination, or are we just scared to forget
> someone while nominating:-)
> Nevertheless I guess the recent IRC meetings with the osgeo live
> project and debian gis people will really boost ubuntugis and
> debiangis, so I guess we should really make sure we can continue the
> positive vibe we have now and look at how osgeo can be part of this.
> Anyway, with the holiday season almost over time to get started!
> Rather than first proposing candidates I want to give a brief summary
> of what I think a member of the PSC should do. For me the most
> important thing is that he/she replies in time when decisions are to
> be made. I would propose that we have a policy of replying and vote
> within one week to any proposal on the mailing list. Apart from that I
> hope that these votes will be really inclusive: I suggest that anyone
> who is not part of the PSC is always encouraged to participate.
> Anyway, people who I would like to nominate, in no particular order,
> and I'm probably forgetting some
> * Alan Boudreault
> - for running UbuntuGIS for so long
> * Jerome Larouche
> - for the crazy amount of packages uploaded recently
> * Ivan Mincik
> - For his ideas an packaging and his work on gislab, though I still
> don't really understand what it is
> * Alex Mandel
> - Because he was the only one replying on whether I should add saga
> 2.1.0 :-)  and for his contributions to ubuntugis and osgeo live over
> a long time.
> * Bas Couwenberg
> - If most of the gis packages in ubuntu universe will be in a very
> good shape for 14.04 it is all due to this man who has been packaging
> like crazy recently
> I guess I could add many more people from osgeo-live or debian -gis. I
> support anyone active in those projects and really wanting to
> contribute something to ubuntugis (or whatever we will become once
> collaborating more with debian gis and/or osgeo live).
> Cheers,
> Johan
> On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 10:12 PM, Alan Boudreault
> <aboudreault at mapgears.com> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> As you may already know, a lot of people agreed to create a PSC for the
>> UbuntuGIS Project. This has for goal to involved more people in the project
>> and also for its goodness. You might be interested to read the whole thread
>> about the main idea of creating a PSC:
>> http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/ubuntu/2013-November/000921.html
>> You are now welcome to submit nominations/suggestions of people for that
>> PSC. A nomination could simply have the following items:
>> - Name of the nominate
>> - A brief description of who the nominate is.
>> - The main role that the nominate could provide to the project. ie. project
>> manager, packager, gis superuser, gis user, doc writer, tester, etc. All
>> roles are important!!
>> All the nominations will then be listed at the following wiki page and we
>> will proceed to the vote before the Christmas:
>> http://trac.osgeo.org/ubuntugis/wiki/PSCNominations2014
>> Best Regards,
>> Alan
>> --
>> Alan Boudreault
>> http://www.mapgears.com/
>> _______________________________________________
>> UbuntuGIS mailing list
>> Ubuntu at lists.osgeo.org
>> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu
>> http://trac.osgeo.org/ubuntugis/wiki
> _______________________________________________
> UbuntuGIS mailing list
> Ubuntu at lists.osgeo.org
> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu
> http://trac.osgeo.org/ubuntugis/wiki

- -- 
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