[Ubuntu] UbuntuGIS PSC Nominations are Open

Ivan Minčík ivan.mincik at gmail.com
Fri Jan 17 07:09:22 PST 2014

On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 8:45 PM, Johan Van de Wauw <
johan.vandewauw at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I guess all of us are either too shy to do a first post or subject to
> a certain form of procrastination, or are we just scared to forget
> someone while nominating:-)
> Nevertheless I guess the recent IRC meetings with the osgeo live
> project and debian gis people will really boost ubuntugis and
> debiangis, so I guess we should really make sure we can continue the
> positive vibe we have now and look at how osgeo can be part of this.
> Anyway, with the holiday season almost over time to get started!
> Rather than first proposing candidates I want to give a brief summary
> of what I think a member of the PSC should do. For me the most
> important thing is that he/she replies in time when decisions are to
> be made. I would propose that we have a policy of replying and vote
> within one week to any proposal on the mailing list. Apart from that I
> hope that these votes will be really inclusive: I suggest that anyone
> who is not part of the PSC is always encouraged to participate.
> Anyway, people who I would like to nominate, in no particular order,
> and I'm probably forgetting some
> * Alan Boudreault
> - for running UbuntuGIS for so long
> * Jerome Larouche
> - for the crazy amount of packages uploaded recently
> * Ivan Mincik
> - For his ideas an packaging and his work on gislab, though I still
> don't really understand what it is

Thanks for you for this honor.
I am preparing better presentation materials of GIS.lab in near future, but
you are very welcome to ask anything.

> * Alex Mandel
> - Because he was the only one replying on whether I should add saga
> 2.1.0 :-)  and for his contributions to ubuntugis and osgeo live over
> a long time.
> * Bas Couwenberg
> - If most of the gis packages in ubuntu universe will be in a very
> good shape for 14.04 it is all due to this man who has been packaging
> like crazy recently
> I guess I could add many more people from osgeo-live or debian -gis. I
> support anyone active in those projects and really wanting to
> contribute something to ubuntugis (or whatever we will become once
> collaborating more with debian gis and/or osgeo live).
Johan, please add also yourself to the nomination list.

Is anybody planning to visit OSGeo + QGIS sprint in Viena in March 2014 ?
Maybe we could work on final DebianGIS/UbuntuGIS proposal there .

Ivan Minčík
ivan.mincik at gmail.com  GPG: 0x79529A1E
ivan.mincik at gista.sk     GPG: 0xD714B02C
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