[Ubuntu] GeoServer and GeoTools Debian/Ubuntu Packaging

Andreas Tille andreas at an3as.eu
Tue Jul 15 23:14:59 PDT 2014


On Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 10:03:53AM +0800, Ben Caradoc-Davies wrote:
> Some GeoTools unsupported jars are included in standard releases.

As I told before I'm not a GIS expert - so please take my advise which
basically comes from a Debian packaging point of view with a grain of
salt.  Perhaps the name "unsupported" is badly choosen?  But can you
please be more verbose about what should be considered as "standard

> I
> recommend that Ubuntu include those jars; they are those included in
> the build with the -Dall property. The the unsupported/pom.xml for
> details.

I could imagine a split into different binary packages, say for instance

   geotools and geotools-unsupported

I guess there is some reason why upstream makes this distinction and I'm
personally hesitating to support something (on our own?) in
Debian/Ubuntu if upstream does not.

Kind regards



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