[Ubuntu] How to fix the unmet dependencies for grass-gui ?

César Augusto Ramírez Franco caesarivs at gmail.com
Mon Mar 23 18:21:12 PDT 2015

Hello all

I have 14.04.2 fresh installed and the problem is the package grass-gui
can´t be upgraded because it depends on some wxpython3 package not
available on trusty.

This is the error I get:

$ grass
A language override has been requested. Trying to switch GRASS into 'C'...
Cleaning up temporary files...
Starting GRASS GIS...
python: can't open file '/usr/lib/grass70/gui/wxpython/gis_set.py': [Errno
2] No such file or directory
Received EXIT message from GUI.
GRASS is not started. Bye.

The /usr/lib/grass70/gui/ directory doesn't even exist,because the
grass-gui package is at 6.4 and marked as not upgradable because of unmet

Also, the grass7 package of grass-stable PPA and the grass package of
ubuntugis-unstable PPA can't be installed at the same time, trying to
install one of them prompts to remove the other

*César Augusto Ramírez Franco*
Laboratorio de Sistemas Complejos Naturales
Escuela de Geociencias
Facultad de Ciencias
Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Medellín
Teléfono: (57-4) 430 9369 - 300 459 6085
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