[Ubuntu] php5-mapscript in ubuntugis-unstable?

Saul Farber saul at peoplegis.com
Sun Jul 17 22:46:30 PDT 2016

Hello ubuntugis!

It appears to me that ubuntugis-unstable does *not* provide a 
*php5-mapscript* package for trusty.  That package looks to only be 
published in the trusty/universe repository:

ubuntugis-unstable provides *perl, java, python and ruby* bindings, but 
not php.  Is this intentional, or an oversight?

I would*love* to see an ubuntugis-unstable provided php5-mapscript 
package.  Is there something I can do to keep them available?

Completely separately, it looks like ubuntugis-unstable is providing an 
out-of-date dependency for libgdal1h, which (when ubuntugis-unstable is 
added as a repo) breaks the install of the trusty/universe 
*php5-mapscript* package.

root at 1f2f83e7fca6:/# apt-cache policy libgdal1h
   Installed: (none)
   Candidate: 1.11.2+dfsg-1~exp2~trusty
   Version table:
      1.11.2+dfsg-1~exp2~trusty 0
trusty/main amd64 Packages
      1.10.1+dfsg-5ubuntu1 0
         500 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty/universe amd64 

To see this issue, try the following:

1. Start from a "fresh" ubuntu 14.04 install
2. Add the ubuntugis-unstable repo
3. *$ **apt-get update && apt-get install php5-mapscript*

To see the underlying issue, you can also do:
3a. *$ apt-get update && apt-get install libgdal1h*

Is the provided *libgdal1h* package intentional?  I can't find mention 
of that package being published here:

Again, is there anything I can do to convince you to provide 
php5-mapscript packages in ubuntugis-unstable?

Take care,
*/Saul Farber/*
Director of Technology | PeopleGIS
500 West Cummings Park, Suite 3900
Woburn, MA 01801
617.625.3608 x100 p
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