[Ubuntu] Fwd: [GRASS-dev] ubuntu gis policy

Randal Hale rjhale at northrivergeographic.com
Fri Sep 16 06:19:44 PDT 2016

from my perspective it should be (which will completely break policy on 
several fronts)

Testing/unstable -> Fresh/Stable/Current -> Older Releases.

I don't know how the naming would need to be. I hesitate to suggest 
because I'm advocating breaking with a standard on Two different 
Distros.  I apologize in Advance.


On 09/16/2016 08:57 AM, Daniel Morissette wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> Little clarification for the non-expert lurkers like myself, are you 
> suggesting that the naming order should be as follows?
>    unstable --> testing --> stable
> ... which would match the Debian policy found here:
>    https://www.debian.org/releases/
> Daniel
> On 2016-09-16 8:37 AM, Martin Landa wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I took liberty to forward opinion about PPA naming from GRASS ML.  The
>> name for unstable PPA is simply confusing (moreover with combination
>> of testing PPA used for experimental packages - especially for Debian
>> users). Could be that I missed discussion about PPA naming, anyway
>> current names do not respect real usage of PPAs in my eyes.
>> And I want to express again big thanks (especially to Angelos) for
>> making ubuntugis project alive! Martin
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Blumentrath, Stefan <Stefan.Blumentrath at nina.no>
>> Date: 2016-09-16 13:12 GMT+02:00
>> Subject: RE: [GRASS-dev] ubuntu gis policy
>> To: Martin Landa <landa.martin at gmail.com>, GRASS developers list
>> <grass-dev at lists.osgeo.org>
>> Hei Martin,
>> Do you have any chance to influence the naming of the PPAs?
>> As recently also discussed on the QGIS mailinglist, packages from a
>> repository named "unstable" can get blocked by system administrators
>> (who not necessarily will take the time to try to understand what is
>> behind all applications), regardless if I as a user tell them that
>> "unstable" actually means "current release"...
>> Would be nice to have a more admin-friendly name there...
>> Cheers
>> Stefan
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: grass-dev [mailto:grass-dev-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf
>> Of Martin Landa
>> Sent: 16. september 2016 13:03
>> To: GRASS users list <grass-user at lists.osgeo.org>; GRASS developers
>> list <grass-dev at lists.osgeo.org>
>> Subject: [GRASS-dev] ubuntu gis policy
>> Hi all,
>> recently ubuntugis maintainers changed their policy. This means that
>> currently is used this workflow:
>> OSGeoLive nightly --> UbuntuGIS Testing --> UbuntuGIS Unstable -->
>> UbuntuGIS Stable
>> What does it means for GRASS?
>> 1) experimental packages (like Release Candidates) are uploaded to
>> Testing PPA [1]
>> 2) final version packages are uploaded to Testing and Unstable [2]
>> 3) Stable PPA can contain older version [3]
>> For user who want to help with testing experimental packages: please
>> use Testing PPA otherwise use Unstable (if you prefer up-to-date
>> version) or Stable PPA (you prefer stability - slightly older versions).
>> Martin
>> [1] https://launchpad.net/~ubuntugis/+archive/ubuntu/ubuntugis-testing
>> [2] https://launchpad.net/~ubuntugis/+archive/ubuntu/ubuntugis-unstable
>> [3] https://launchpad.net/~ubuntugis/+archive/ubuntu/ppa
>> -- 
>> Martin Landa
>> http://geo.fsv.cvut.cz/gwiki/Landa
>> http://gismentors.cz/mentors/landa
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>> grass-dev mailing list
>> grass-dev at lists.osgeo.org
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Randal Hale
North River Geographic Systems, Inc
423.653.3611 rjhale at northrivergeographic.com

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