[Ubuntu] QGis 3 on UbuntuGIS PPA

Jürgen E. Fischer jef at norbit.de
Wed Oct 31 09:25:48 PDT 2018

Hi Luís,

On Wed, 31. Oct 2018 at 14:40:49 +0000, Luís Moreira de Sousa wrote:
> - While I have not tried it yet with 18.04, in previous LTS releases mixing
>   the UbuntuGIS and QGis PPAs led inevitably to unmet dependencies, or worse.
>   Hard learned experience tells me to install as much OSGeo stuff as possible
>   from UbuntuGIS and avoid alternative PPAs.

I guess you did something wrong - but that's hard to tell without more
information.  Mixing the qgis.org ubuntugis and ubuntugis unstable should be
fine.  But updates to ubuntugis unstable might break the qgis.org release
packages - but that can be solved mit the nightlies - which will pick up those

> - For an unexperienced Ubuntu user (to mee too) it is unclear which PPA is
>   the most appropriate to obtain OSGeo sanctioned software.

I don't think there is a official OSGeo position on this - so there no sanction
for anything.

> - It seems odd that OSGeo charter members maintain parallel PPAs.
>   Intuitively, concentrating efforts in one PPA would likely be more efficient.
> I understand there are good reasons for the current situation, but perhaps it
> can improve.

Proposals?   When I stopped uploading packages to ubuntugis my idea was that
people could now pick the version the want from qgis.org and still use the
common dependencies from ubuntugis.  I would not have reintroduces qgis - but
there are probably also good reasons for that (eg. rebuilding the qgis packages
when dependencies in ubuntugis change w/o having to resort to nightlies).


Jürgen E. Fischer           norBIT GmbH             Tel. +49-4931-918175-31
Dipl.-Inf. (FH)             Rheinstraße 13          Fax. +49-4931-918175-50
Software Engineer           D-26506 Norden             http://www.norbit.de
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