[Ubuntu] Postgis not install issue
Mensio Federico
mensio at ipla.org
Fri May 15 00:39:28 PDT 2020
I've removed postgres 12 and installetd from apt.postgresql.org postgres 10.
However when I try to install postgis from qgis.org/ubuntugis-ltr but the
problem is the same.
Maybe it is I who do not understand.
Thanks again for your help
Il giorno ven 15 mag 2020 alle ore 06:29 Sebastiaan Couwenberg <
sebastic at xs4all.nl> ha scritto:
> On 5/14/20 8:49 PM, Mensio Federico wrote:
> > On ubuntu 18.04 i've installed postgresql 12 and Qgis via ubuntugis
> > unstable-ltr Repo.
> postgresql-12 is not in the ubuntugis-unstable.
> The ubuntugis PPAs use the default postgresql in Ubuntu, for bionic
> that's postgresql-10.
> > How can I solve it?
> Don't use multiple PPAs.
> Either get newer postgresql & postgis from apt.postgresql.org and don't
> use ubuntugis (for newer gdal and other packges), or get postgis from
> ubuntugis for the default postgresql and have newer gdal and related
> packages.
> Kind Regards,
> Bas
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Federico MENSIO
IPLA spa
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mensio at ipla.org - www.ipla.org
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