[OSGeo-UK] VectorMap District to PostGIS

Jonathan Moriarty prof_moriarty at veryfast.biz
Sun Sep 18 03:29:36 EDT 2011

Hi Folks,
   I've got my hands on the OS OpenData VMD dataset for the entirety of
   England and was wondering how I'd go about getting it into a PostGIS
   database with minimum effort using Open-Source tools (this is a
   do-at-home project so I'd rather not have to spend hours scripting
   something up). I have experience with the spatial aspects of MySQL
   and even a little Oracle Locator, but no PostGreSQL/PostGIS so I'm
   finding the whole "schema/template" thing new.

  I know QGIS can upload shapefiles to Post, but that appears to be a
  one-at-a-time affair. The PostGIS built-in shp2pgsql similarly only
  does one at a time. Does anyone have a nice handy script that'd do
  this? There's one here -
  - albeit with no documentation and I can't get it to work). I'd have
  thought uploading collections of related shapefiles would be a common
  task so there'd be plenty of tools for it, but I can't seem to find

Note - I'm using Windows and this is all happening on my local machine.

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