[OSGeo-UK] New Chair and Committee Members

Jo Cook jocook at astuntechnology.com
Tue Nov 9 02:31:48 PST 2021

Hi All,

As you know, I recently announced my decision to stand down as the Chair of
OSGeo:UK, and at our recent AGM we were lucky enough to have two candidates
offering to stand. I am delighted to say that Nick Bearman is the new Chair
of OSGeo:UK, and I think he'll do a great job.

I'm standing down from the committee too, so it gives me great pleasure to
announce two new committee members- Tom Armitage and Joe Seddon- thanks for
agreeing to take up the vacant slots guys!

For clarity, I'm not going over to the dark side and joining a proprietary
software company or anything like that- I just needed to free up some
mental space in my life, and to allow someone with some fresh ideas and
energy to look after OSGeo:UK moving forward.

Thanks for all the support over the last (ahem) ~14(ish) years- it's been
great getting to know you all and I look forward to meeting up in future as
a carefree ordinary OSGeo member!

All the best


*Jo Cook*
t:+44 7930 524 155/twitter:@archaeogeek
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