[OSGeo-UK] Invitation for the OGC - Vector Data - July Code Sprint

Joana Simoes joana at doublebyte.net
Wed Jul 6 03:53:08 PDT 2022

Good morning

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) would like to invite all 
developers, power users and documentation enthusiasts for the upcoming 
(virtual) code sprint, next week. This code sprint will focus on 
standards which are provide access to some kind of vector information: 
OGC API Features, Moving Features, Routes and 3D GeoVolumes.

More information, including a registration link, can be found in the 
sprint website:


If you are new to these standards, you can attend the mentor stream, 
which provides a stream of tutorials:


                    Looking forward to seeing you at the code sprint,

                                       All the Best,


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