[OSGeo-UK] Email Newsletter to event attendees

Steven Feldman shfeldman at gmail.com
Tue Sep 26 08:50:41 PDT 2023

Segmentation is essential IMO - that’s how we can target sponsors separately from attendees and how we can tag what events people attend and venues.

GDPR is a must but really not that difficult, I think all of the options are GDPR compliant

BUUUUT - we can’t start this without a second (and possibly a third) person who want to be involved, I’ll get things started but I am not flying solo on this

🐘: @stevenfeldman <https://mastodon.me.uk/@stevenfeldman>
- Unusual maps in strange places -  mappery.org <http://mappery.org/>
- Co-host of the Geomob podcast <https://thegeomob.com/podcast>
- Subscribe to my weekly “Maps in the Wild <http://eepurl.com/dKStT-/>” newsletter

> On 25 Sep 2023, at 14:56, Nick Bearman via UK <uk at lists.osgeo.org> wrote:
> Thanks Steven - this looks good. 
> How important do you think segmentation is? I think it could be useful going forward if we want to be a bit more strategic - e.g. sending different emails to people interested in different venues - but not sure if we want to get that complex!
> Only other thing that comes to mind is GDPR compliance - I assume they all are, but it is something we should check before signing up. 
> Any comments from anyone else?
> Best wishes,
> Nick.
> On 20/09/2023 3:28 pm, Steven Feldman wrote:
>> While we were preparing for FOSS4GUK we talked about the possibility of building a mailing list to send infrequent newsletters to people who attended our events but might not want to follow this list. This would help us market to potential attendees and sponsors.
>> I undertook to review the free tiers of several of the commercial services. I did not consider any self hosted solutions as I don’t have the skills to stand something like that up, but if anyone is willing to do that feel free to put your hand up!
>> Here are the best options that I found:
>> Zoho is free for up to 2k contacts and 6k emails per month but has no segmentation https://www.zoho.com/campaigns/pricing.html?src=dd
>> Brevo (formerly Send in Blue) offers unlimited contacts but only 300 emails per day (so would require batching somehow) and includes segmentation https://www.brevo.com/pricing/marketing-platform/see-all-features/
>> Sender looks good 2,500 free contacts and 15,000 sends per month, includes segmentation. They also offer a PAYG model where we pay £4.68/1000 emails if we need the advanced features but only a few times per year https://www.sender.net/pricing/
>> Thoughts?
>> ______
>> Steven
>> 🐘: @stevenfeldman <https://mastodon.me.uk/@stevenfeldman>
>> - Unusual maps in strange places -  mappery.org <http://mappery.org/>
>> - Co-host of the Geomob podcast <https://thegeomob.com/podcast>
>> - Subscribe to my weekly “Maps in the Wild <http://eepurl.com/dKStT-/>” newsletter
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> -- 
> Nick Bearman
> +44 (0) 7717745715
> nick at geospatialtrainingsolutions.co.uk <mailto:nick at geospatialtrainingsolutions.co.uk>
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